Free Scientific Body Type Quiz – How Skinny Fat Determines Genetic Scientific Body Type (Body Composition and Shape)
If you are genetically experiencing skinny fat, how much skinny fat you have on your body where genetically you should have muscle/mass relative to each of the 26 vertebrae — cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx — determines if you are a genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1), Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4).
The Free Scientific Body Type Quiz helps you better understand all of this so you can achieve safe, sustainable, and healthy weight loss for your unique body composition and shape while safely and successfully managing your health in the short and long term.
The Latest Skinny Fat Science
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Take the Free Scientific Body Type Quiz for males and females to learn more.
Rough Body Type Correlations – Scientific Body Type Quiz (Official)
Hourglass (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1) or Body Type Two (BT2)
Inverted Triangle (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1)
Triangle (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2) or Body Type Three (BT3)
Rectangle (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Pear (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2) or Body Type Three (BT3)
Apple (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Round (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Kibbe (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1), Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Hormone, Adrenal (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1), Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Hormone, Liver (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1), Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Hormone, Ovary (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Hormone, Thyroid (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
Mesomorph (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1)
Ectomorph (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Standard Body Type One (BT1) or Body Type Two (BT2)
Endomorph (no scientific definition or research data) = genetic scientific Body Type Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4)
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