
Scientific Metabolism Quiz Health Score

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The Scientific Metabolism Quiz helps you better understand:

*how your unique genetic body composition — muscles/muscle mass, skinny fat (cellulite, thin fat, loose skin, saggy skin, crepey skin, normal weight obesity), and regular fat (white fat/yellow fat/excess fat) — affects your metabolism and metabolic rate (which affects your regular white/yellow fat weight loss, gain, and management efforts)

*if your metabolism (calories burned) is slow, normal, or fast (which affects your white/yellow/regular fat weight loss, gain, and management efforts)

*if your metabolic rate (calories burned) is decreased, steady, or increased  (which affects your regular fat weight loss, gain, and management efforts)

*if your metabolic rate is affected by resistance exercises like weightlifting, calisthenics, yoga, Pilates, and isometrics

*if your metabolic rate is affected by cardio exercises like walking, hiking, jogging, running, bicycling, sports, workout classes, and the like

*if your daily work routines/activities, diet, and sleep affect your metabolic rate and Standard BMR

*your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)

Using proprietary algorithms, the Scientific Metabolism Quiz accurately calculates your passive/resting Standard Mifflin St. Jeor BMR (basal metabolic rate) formula and Adjusted (taking into account body composition/skinny fat) as well as the revised Harris-Benedict Activity equation relative to the latest wrangled scientific data, evidence, and facts including body composition, cardio and resistance exercise, daily work/activity, diet, and sleep to accurately calculate your unique active metabolism/metabolic rate.


The Scientific Metabolism Quiz determines your unique current resting/passive and active metabolism.

Do you naturally (genetically) have a strong/increased/fast metabolism, a weak/slow metabolism, or a normal metabolism somewhere in between?

Do you struggle with regular white/yellow fat weight loss and gain, no matter how hard you work?

How much does your exercise and work/daily activity affect your metabolic rate (decreased, steady, increased) and how many calories you burn, including your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)?


Unique Genetic Body Composition, Muscle/Mass, Regular Fat, and Skinny Fat – Scientific Metabolism Quiz (Scientific Health Quizzes App)

Did you know that one (1) pound of muscle/mass burns six (6) calories per day, but one (1) pound of skinny fat and/or regular fat only burns two (2) to three (3) calories per day? Your unique genetic body composition (including skinny fat tissue) directly affects your body shape and metabolism/metabolic rate along with diet, exercise, and lifestyle. The more muscle/mass you have on your body, the stronger your metabolism and the more calories you burn.

Mifflin St Jeor Standard BMR equation & Revised Harris-Benedict Standard BMR TDEE formula - Scientific Metabolism Quiz Health Score, Digital Scientific Health QuizzesThe more skinny fat and/or regular fat you have on your body, the slower/weaker your metabolism and the fewer calories you burn. The more skinny fat tissue you have on your body where genetically you should have muscle/mass tissue, the more prone you are to putting on excess regular fat. And, the more skinny fat you have, the harder it is to lose regular fat weight and keep excess regular fat weight off to avoid being overweight or obese.

Calculating Passive/Resting Metabolism and Active Metabolism

Resting/Passive Metabolism: the minimum calories your body needs daily for basic functioning. Calculated using the scientifically/medically accepted Mifflin St. Jeor Standard BMR equation.

Active Metabolism: consistent (type and days per week) and regular (daily duration and intensity) exercise(s)/activity is the key to burning more calories (keeping being overweight or obese at bay), increasing metabolism/metabolic rate (burning more calories), losing, managing, and maintaining regular fat weight, and short and long-term health overall. Work activity and other daily activity also matter. Calculated using the scientifically/medically accepted Revised Harris-Benedict BMR TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) formula.

Safe, sustainable, successful regular fat weight loss and management depends on accurately understanding no less than your specific body’s metabolism, metabolic rate, and daily caloric needs.

Exercise Intensity

The more intense your exercise, the more it affects metabolism (metabolic rate, including afterburn) as well as muscular hypertrophy, muscular endurance, muscular strength, muscular power, weight gain and loss, and overall health, no less. Keep in mind that it is possible to do too much exercise/activity that can lead to metabolic syndrome which can make regular fat weight loss more difficult, at least.


Duration and the range of movement of your body and how many total body muscles (arms, legs, torso, neck, head) you use in your workout affect intensity, no less.

Running Cardio, Forest Gump - Scientific Metabolism Quiz, Scientific Health Quizzes


Minimal Cardio is less than 40 steps per minute

Very Light Cardio is 40 to 69 steps per minute

Light Cardio is 70 to 99 steps per minute

Moderate Cardio is 100 to 129 steps per minute

Intense Cardio is 130 or more steps per minute




Scientific Metabolism Quiz - Resistance Exercise - Weightlifting, calisthenics, yoga, Pilates, isometrics


How diligent and quick you are in terms of doing one exercise and then moving to another without taking a break in between or talking to other people or the like, as well as the type and order of your exercises, all affect intensity. The following scale is a rough indicator:

*Minimal is 1-2 pounds, 1-8 reps or more per set

*Very Light is 3-5 pounds, 4-12 reps or more per set

*Light is 5-10 pounds, 4-12 reps or more per set

*Moderate is 10 to 20 pounds or more, 8-12 reps or more per set and sometimes maxing out weight (which is fewer reps)

*Intense is no less than 20 to 40 pounds or more, 12 or more reps per set and/or regularly maxing out weight (which is fewer reps)


Bulking = generally higher weight and fewer reps along with increased dietary needs

Cutting/”Toning” (Muscular Endurance) = generally lower weight and more reps along with further reducing regular fat (white fat/yellow fat) to improve muscle appearance


Calisthenics, Yoga, Pilates, Isometrics

Intensity = whether exercise(s)/pose(s) is standing, sitting, prone, or supine relative to duration, length of hold, number of reps, added weight, incline or decline, posture, breath control, and the connection of posture through breath and movement.

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